Name: "{group}\Spybot - Search & Destroy"; Filename: "{app}\SpybotSD.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Comment: "Software to remove spyware and similar threats from your computer"; Check: "AllowIcons";
Name: "{group}\Spybot - Search & Destroy (for blind users)"; Filename: "{app}\SpybotSD.exe"; Parameters: "/blinduser"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Comment: "Software to remove spyware and similar threats from your computer"; Components: blind; Check: "AllowIcons";
Name: "{group}\Tutorial"; Filename: "{app}\Help\English.chm"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Comment: "Tutorial showing you a few first steps"; Check: "AllowIcons";
Name: "{group}\Uninstall Spybot-S&D"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Comment: "If you want to undo changes made by Spybot-S&D, use the Recovery instead!"; Check: "AllowIcons";
Name: "{userdesktop}\Spybot - Search & Destroy"; Filename: "{app}\SpybotSD.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Comment: "Software to remove spyware and similar threats from your computer"; Tasks: desktopicon; Check: "AllowIcons";
Name: "{userdesktop}\Spybot - Search & Destroy (for blind users)"; Filename: "{app}\SpybotSD.exe"; Parameters: "/blinduser"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Comment: "Software to remove spyware and similar threats from your computer"; Components: blind; Tasks: desktopicon; Check: "AllowIcons";
Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Spybot - Search & Destroy"; Filename: "{app}\SpybotSD.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Comment: "Software to remove spyware and similar threats from your computer"; Tasks: quicklaunchicon; Check: "AllowIcons";